German Partners

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(official representative of the State of Baden-Württemberg in Maharasthra, for City of Karlsruhe in Pune and of University Federation SouthWest)
Let's bridge IT has been specializing in initiating and supporting German-Indian cooperation since 2000. Founded by Iris Becker, MA in Freiburg im Breisgau, Let's bridge IT has specialized in bringing together German and Indian companies, associations and clusters with a lot of sensitivity, joy and enthusiasm for India. Let's bridge IT has represented the city of Karlsruhe in Pune since 2013. Karlsruhe thus has a pioneering role in India, because Karlsruhe is the only city in Baden-Württemberg that has its own marketing and cooperation office.
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As a partner of the business community, the Amt für Wirtschafts¬för¬de¬rung Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Economic Develop¬ment Depart¬ment) works hand in hand with businesses, investors and insti¬tu¬ti¬ons. It creates a climate conducive to growth and innovation in Karlsruhe of enormous inter¬na¬tio¬nal appeal. Offering compre¬hen¬sive services, it supports companies in their expansion possi¬bi¬li¬ties as well as in their compe¬ti-tiven¬ess and power to innovate. The Amt für Wirtschafts¬för¬de¬rung in particular compre¬hen¬si¬vely supports founders of new businesses - from the business idea to the founding of the business.
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Baden-Baden, city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state), southwestern Germany. Baden-Baden is one of the world's great spas. Its Roman baths (parts of which survive) were built in the reign of Caracalla (211–217 ce) for the garrison of Strasbourg. The city of Baden-Baden was founded 2000 years ago to do people good. In the 19th century it became the "summer capital of Europe" - and this splendour continues to this day.
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As a neutral institution, we bundle relevant expert knowledge, especially for small and medium-sized companies, as well as start-ups, so that they can successfully implement their innovations. In hardly any other region in Germany does so much scientific excellence meet such a high density of technology-driven companies as in Karlsruhe. Together with our member companies, we want to help develop new perspectives, promote trust in regional partners and ensure equal opportunities. By combining a wide range of knowledge from business, science, administration and politics, we manage and drive innovation projects. Our innovation events, workshops, partner events, participation in trade fairs and public relations also strengthen the transfer of know-how.
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